Newspushes App Features

The Newspushes Features

Modern apps have introduced features that users love, yet email inboxes remain in the stone ages. We've brought those features to newsletters, for an experience readers have been wishing for.

Instant Branded App

Finally, a branded app that's ready in minutes, not months. It's the experience your loyal readers wish to have, knowing your content is in the palm of their hands.

Not Forgotten

The more newspush apps that readers install, the more they'll be reminded of your own brand every time they open the main newspushes app. Never lost.

Easy To Browse

Newsletters lost in a sea of emails is inevitable. Like any dedicated app, newspushes changes the game, with a beautifully organized experience.

Bookmarks, Reinvented.

Users love liking and saving content for later, and they can finally do that with their favourite newsletters. Even better, you unlock 'like' analytics for your newsletters.

Social Sharing, Finally.

Content online can be easily shared on WhatsApp, but emails? No. They can only be forwarded to other inboxes. However, newspushes can be shared everywhere. That means you can finally grow organically.

Unlock The Power Of Apps

Create Your Newspushes App

Your newsletters might be working well, but don't get caught in the "if it isn't broken, don't fix it" trap. You have inactive subscribers, and you're losing sign ups. Emails are not future-proof. Offer your readers an app today, and secure a stronger future.

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